Team Ranbir's random thoughts on Impulse, games bought and played from it and blank.
Published on March 8, 2006 By Ranbir In Galactic Civilizations II
Hi guys, long time reader, first time poster.

Anyway, one thing that I seem to find weird is the emptiness of space. Sure, space is empty but that doesn't make it very interesting.

What are thoughts on having squares that are nebulae, plasma storms and other spacial oddities. Something like the 'anomolies' that are already there but something consistent and not a 'goody hut' (if you pardon my civ expression)
Imagine having a fleet battle in a nebulae which disrupts your shield technology, or makes using missiles risky (but not the other weapon types)

I also like the wormholes, but what about a permanent wormhole? That could rile up some strategy? I understand that before Hyperdrive they did depend on the Stargates, but considering we're talking 'galaxies', be nice to know that some far reaches of the galaxy can still be reached quicker than conventional transport.
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