Team Ranbir's random thoughts on Impulse, games bought and played from it and blank.
Published on February 4, 2007 By Ranbir In Modding

I had thoughts on a single type of starbase with all modules available. (With strict module limits)

How much work would need to be done on the AI if the three different types of Starbases were put into one. I realise some civs want to build influence bases...can it easily be done to have them build the one starbase and then just go with the influence modules?
on Feb 04, 2007
Well, you can't actually change the AI but it was programmed to be adaptive so I'd try it and see what happens.
on Feb 04, 2007
Mixed-use starbases are probably the thing I miss most from GCI. I haven't tried mods yet, and this would apparently cause conflicts with my rising interest in the Metaverse, but I'd be interested in trying out something like this if you can get it working.
on Feb 04, 2007
Actually the starbases in Galciv1 were set up as you suggest;
three different types of Starbases were put into one
, except with no limitations.

Starbases were then divided 3 ways to create more strategic variation. On a seperate note, in Galciv1, starbases could hold their own defensively right through the game until 'excalibur' class ships emerged (Of course most games would finish well befor the AI would be building those!). Now in galciv 2, starbase defences are pretty much a waste of code.

on Feb 04, 2007
That's very interesting. Thank you.
on Feb 04, 2007
Apparently, the starbases were seperated into economy, influence, and military simply to make it easier on the AI.