Team Ranbir's random thoughts on Impulse, games bought and played from it and blank.
New strain more dangerous than ever!
Published on May 2, 2009 By Ranbir In Humor

It seems this swine flu virus is about to get even worse for us all.


There has been a small outbreak of “zombism” in London due to mutation of the H1N1 virus into new strain: H1Z1.



I for one am starting to stock up on pills and molotovs. I expect you all to do the same!

on May 02, 2009

Erm, someone already posted this link.  It's been determined to be a hoax.

on May 02, 2009

Oh, just noticed you put this in the humor section.  The joke has already been played, sorry.

on May 13, 2009

I never saw it. ZOMBY GOAST O NO

on May 16, 2009

i just saw a news report saying that the swine flu is not "as dangerous as first thought"... "in fact, it is about as dangerous as any other common flu"... go figure, just like the sars, or avian flu, it was a hyped up made up news.