Team Ranbir's random thoughts on Impulse, games bought and played from it and blank.
Published on June 20, 2008 By Ranbir In


I found that I have to manually move the Reboot installation into my SR2 installation. Even when I try to direct them to the same place, Impulse refuses to install Reboot on anything but my C drive. (I keep telling it to put it on D)*

Because of the movement, sometimes Impulse will go back to marking the games as "available" instead of installed.

*Extension of that is, SR2 gets put into a TGN folder inside Stardock while the Reboot will go straight into a Cineware folder in prog files- which is always on the C drive, even if another drive was instructed. If Impulse can somehow make these two install in the same place it would be great, since otherwise I can't run the game though Impulse. I know I don't have to but it still would be nice to have.


on Jun 20, 2008

Oooh, good to know. I was thinking about buying the SR2 pack and then getting the expansion later.

on Jun 21, 2008
Well I did a complete uninstall, SR2 was originally installed from SDC so it always went into TGN.

I managed to get the expansion to install over the SR2 directory so you can launch it from the client. But I first downloaded and archived SR2. On restoration this put it in the c:\program files\cinemaware\spacerangers 2 folder. So when I went to download and install the expansion and since it always goes into the directory I just mentioned, it makes for a proper installation.

So far, I've found this way to limit the hassle in having to manually move folders and risk losing their installed status in Impulse. The tolerance is you'll have to keep it on your C drive until the fix enables the prompt to work properly.