Team Ranbir's random thoughts on Impulse, games bought and played from it and blank.
Ranbir's Articles In Everything Else
April 13, 2009 by Ranbir
 This was inspired by Robyn Arianrhod's book Einstein's Heroes which explores a  language  which, imo[and hers], is a celebration of the human spirit. Also where I learnt much about The James Clerk Maxwell <- He did pretty much establish mathematics as the arbiter of physical  reality  and the first to accept in a real sense that  language   is   reality . He is now one of my personal heroes.   In general, we'll assume that physical  r...
April 15, 2009 by Ranbir
Must be great timing since this has made me feel a lot better after seeing a lot of stuff from the Demigod chatter.   Watch We Didnt Start the Flame War on CollegeHumor